Sunday, January 12, 2014

Using the Right Bait (Seriies: Fishing with the Master)

Using the Right Bait

January 12, 2014

Fishing with the Master
Using the Right Bait
Acts 8:30-31

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When fishing the choice of bait is an important things to consider.
  • Fish are a lot like us…they have likes a dislikes.
  • So, a bait that will work with one type of fish might not work with another.
What do we use to “bait” those that we are evangelizing?
  • I understand that phrase might make us feel weird.
    • When we say that were baiting someone people we begin to think negative thoughts.
      • Maybe you had someone sell you something that wasn’t what was you were sold…bait and switch.
    • Keep in mind that I’m just using Jesus’ own metaphor from Mark 1:17
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  • “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
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So what do you use to “bait” those that you are evangelizing?
  • There is a common belief that the only thing that will attract people are programs, a particular worship or song style, maybe even a watered down doctrine.
    • This bait will not work…so what is the answer?
Let’s go back to Acts 8 and Philips conversion of the Ethiopian.
  • Last week we studied how Philip had to obey the call to “go to” the Ethiopian to question and teach him.
  • I also shared with you that this was an important lesson that we have recorded.
    • It was important because it showed the importance of personal evangelism and how to do it.
**This morning I want us to consider the “bait" that Philip used and what we can do with this example.

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30 So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” 31 And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:30-31

Philip has obeyed the call to go to this man.

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  • Philip now “heard him” reading.
    • Side lesson here…we too need to be observant of those that we are evangelizing.
  • Since Philip heard him he was reading out loud…this was not an uncommon practice of students.
CONSIDER - the high position that this man held.
  • Chief financial officer in the royal court of the queen of Ethiopia.
  • This required obedience, but think of boldness to go to this official and question him the way he did.
Philips question was his “bait”

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  • “Do you understand what you are reading?”
    • I appears that this official “took the bait”
  • The response that he gives was the exact thing that was needed for Philip to share the good news with him!
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  • “How can I unless someone guides me?”
    • I get a sense of helplessness…this man seemed lost (EX. young lady at Life Way)
    • Despite that you get the feeling that he had prepared his heart for the message that Philip was going to give him.
While we are not told, Philip must have offered to help him study…why?

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  • “...he invited Philip to come up and sit with him."

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This Ethiopian represents many people today who are religious.
  • They read the Scriptures, and seek the truth, yet do not have saving faith in Jesus Christ. 
    • They are sincere, but they are lost! 
    • They need someone to show them the way.
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  • Who will do it…needs to be us?
After we “go” we need to begin “talking.”

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  • When we see and hear religious people how do we react to them?
    • Is your reaction to run form them, or to you respond by engaging them in conversation?
    • EX. - Willie Franklin - pro-football player turned evangelist/youth rally speaker
      • Would often tell of his reaction to people who need the Lord. 
      • In huddles he would hear men “curse God” his reaction was “Do you want me to tell you about the God your cursing?”
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How do we get someone to call upon the Lord?

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  • Romans 10:14-15 expresses this thought, and offers a solution.
    • 14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
    • There are a series of questions:
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    • "How then will they call on Him…”
    • “How are they to believe in Him…”
    • “How are they to her…"
  • The questions in this text also offer us some answers.
  • There needs to be belief; there needs to be teaching to hear?
We are to help people build their faith…faith comes by hearing.
  • The Ethiopian’s faith would not have grown unless…
    • Philip “went” - he went to share!
    • When Philip “went” he shared, and the Ethiopian “heard” the “word of Christ."
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Action Step
We MUST begin talking to people about the Lord.

We MUST begin using the opportunities that are given us to share the Lord.
  • Be aware of people.
  • Have compassion for their lost state.
  • Have a deep desire to share the Lord them.

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In Acts 17 Paul is walking through Athens.
  • vs. 16, “his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.”
    • He saw an opportunity and he acted, he baited them with his reasoning.
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  • He met them where they were at and preached to them about God…similar to the Ethiopian.
    • “I perceive that in every way you are very religious...”
    • “I passed along the way and observed objects of your worship…”
    • “I even found an alter with an inscription, “To the Unknown God”…"
    • "What you worship as unknown…I preach to you.”
  • He preached to them God, now that they know their ignorance cannot be overlooked, and he called for them to repent.
    • Some mocked, some wanted to hear more.
    • vs. 34, “But some men joined him and believed…"

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