Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'm Contagious: Creating Thirst

March 9, 2014

I'm Contagious
Creating Thirst
John 4:4-30

(Advance Slide #1)

Last week we began a series of lessons about becoming more contagious with our faith.
  • The church needs more contagious people.
    • Well, how do we do this? How can we become contagious?
    • This is the purpose of these lessons…it takes work on our part.
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  • Last week’s lesson was titled our beautiful feet.
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  • “How beautiful are the feet of those that preach the good news”
    • We must not only have the right “talk” we also need to have the right “walk” as well.
    • Feet determine our direction.
    • As we “walk,” do people see Jesus in us?
I sometimes wonder how people in history would answer certain questions.
  • Maybe a better thing to consider is how they would deal with situations that we face?
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  • For example, how would Jesus witness to our co-workers?
  • How would he talk to my friends & relatives?
  • Maybe having this knowledge would help me be a more contagious Christian.
    • In John 4 we get an example of what Jesus would do!
    • Because we see what Jesus DID DO!
GOAL - Is to begin considering how we can create a thirst in people!

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  • Can you create a thirst in people? 
  • I also would like for us to begin thinking about how we tell our story.
    • Our story/witness can create a thirst in people 
    • This is a way of being contagious!
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A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, “Give me a drink.”(For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?” (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.) 10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” John 4:7-10

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As we go throught his narrative you find that Jesus didn't do anything that we couldn't.
  • Well, we can't claim to be the Messiah.
  • He was just a Jewish man talking to a Samaritan woman.
The woman was not what I'd consider an eger convert.
  • She did not come to the well to be preached to.
  • It wsn't that she was not interested in spiritual things.
    • What we find is that she was more than willing to discuss religion with Jesus.
  • However, when Jesus got a little too personal she tried to distract Him.
    • We know Jesus...He isn't going to be distracted.
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What did Jesus do?
  • What did Jesus do with this woman?
  • What did He say to her?
  • How did He say it to her?
    • The answer to these questions is that she was changed by her interaction with Jesus.
    • vs. 29 indicates that she went and told others about Him!
      • She became a contagious Christian!
So what did Jesus do?
  • The answer is that He created a thirst in her.
    • This thirst that she developed was contagious...we can do the same.
Let's look at how He did it!

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He talked to her
He talked to her...nothing big here is it?
  • This is more than most of us do.
  • When we think of sharing our faith, being a witness for Christ, and talking about our Savior...we often talk AT people.
    • Taking AT people usually involves arguing, convincing, overcoming objections.
  • We need to learn to talk with people.
*Jesus didn't stop here!

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He talked with her about spiritual things
They began by talking about water.
  • This was common enough...after all they were sitting at a well.
    • Yet, this common topic became a "springboard" for a more serious topic.
  • A subject of eternal things...things that are lasting - vs. 13
THINK - just for a moment of all the subjects that you are comfortable talking about.
  • Why do we become so uncomfortable when it comes to talking about our faith?
    • I believe one of the reasons is that we DO talk at people and not TO them.
      • We often set ourselves up for an argument or a fight.
    • We should not throw our faith at people rather it should be given to them!
  • Here is how you talk TO someone:
    • You tell your story (this is next weeks lesson)...tell about what Jesus did for you.
    • Tell other why He is your Savior.
**Be contagious...create a thirst!

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He let her go!
Did you catch that - look at vs. 25-28 again.
  • Why would Jesus do this?
    • What if she doesn't come back...what about her soul?
    • Jesus was willing to let her walk away.
People take time to process things.
  • Big decisions are not usually made "overnight"
  • People need time to consider things
  • We usually talk things over with other people.
    • Studies show that one individual needs at least 13-15 (sometimes higher) Christian influences for them to develop faith.
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    • Can you be that person…can you create a thirst in someone?

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Do you pray for your witness?
  • Jesus’ conversation with this woman began long before we read of this account.
  • How do I know? 
  • Because He prayed!
We need to pray for those that we might try to influence.
  • Pray for our speech.
    • So that we can give the “good news” to them.
  • Pray for their heart.
    • So that they will desire to believe in the Lord.

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